LGBTQ Therapy Can Be Helpful, Even If You've Been "Out" For Years

If you've been out for years, you may initially think you're past the point of needing therapy or help dealing with challenges related to your gender identity and sexual preferences. You are strong for having worked through things without having consulted a therapist so far. But there's no need to continue pushing forward and facing things all alone. Today, there are plenty of great LGBTQ+ therapists out there. Here are some signs you can benefit from seeing one — even if you've been out for years.

You still doubt yourself sometimes.

Do you sometimes still find that you doubt yourself and your identity? If so, there may be some things about your identity that you're still figuring out. Or, you could still be looking to society to define you, rather than looking inside. Seeing a therapist who works with LGBTQ+ folks is a good way to get to the bottom of what's causing your self-doubt. The therapist can help you dig deeper into your identity, grow more confident in that identity, and separate what you want from what society is telling you that you want.

You aren't out to certain people in your life.

Perhaps you are out to your family and friends, but you still can't bring yourself to come out at work. Or maybe all of your friends and immediate family know about your identity, but there are extended family members who you haven't kept in the loop. You are probably holding back on coming out to these people because doing so is hard. The support of a therapist can help you navigate this with ease. They can help you decide when it's the right time to come out to these final people, and how to best do it. 

You take scrutiny personally.

When someone makes negative remarks regarding your gender or sexual identity, how do you feel? If their comments get to you and you have trouble letting them roll off your shoulders, this is a good reason to meet with a therapist. An LGBTQ+ therapist can teach you exercises you can use to reassure yourself after someone speaks negatively to or about you. They can also help you manage any depression or anxiety that comes up as a result of other people's reactions to you.

Living as an LGBTQ+ individual does come with some unique challenges. But you don't have to face those challenges alone. Turn to LGBTQ therapy for assistance along the way.
