Dealing With Custody Issues? How Co-Parenting Mediation Can Help Resolve The Issues

If you're dealing with custody issues, it's time to consider co-parenting mediation. Establishing a healthy co-parenting relationship can be difficult. That's especially true if there was conflict during the marriage. Children do best when both parents work together to establish a healthy routine. That's not easy to do without some outside help. That's where co-parenting mediation comes into the picture. Mediation can help you and your ex create a co-parenting relationship that will benefit your child.

7 People Who May Benefit From EMDR Therapy

If you attend counseling, you may have heard about EMDR therapy. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a type of psychotherapy that has been proven to be effective in treating trauma. If you've been thinking about trying EMDR, you may have wondered who it would be beneficial for. These are seven people who should consider EMDR right away. 1 - Individuals Who Were Subjected to Abuse or Assault If you have experienced abuse, including physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, you may benefit from EMDR.

Recovering From Substance Abuse: What You Should Know

If you struggle with substance abuse, you might feel like you have little hope of ever healing from it. Substance abuse is more than overindulging in drugs and alcohol. It is also a mental health condition that can have terrible impacts on your everyday life. Fortunately, there are many options available for treatment when you are ready to heal. Here are some things you need to know if you are going through substance abuse:

Signs You're Facing Pregnancy Addiction And What You Should Do

Pregnant addiction is dangerous because it can cause harm to not just the person carrying a child, but to the fetus as well. After a baby is born, it can also face addiction if its parent had a serious addiction throughout pregnancy, which can be difficult to overcome and cause serious medical issues. If you are facing addiction, know that you are not alone and there is assistance out there for you.

How Counseling Can Help You Overcome Four Kinds of Negative Thinking

If you're feeling depressed or anxious, counseling can help you take your life back. Even when you can point to a clear life event that led to your current mental health difficulties, you may be experiencing prolonged suffering due to bad habits you fell into after a traumatic event. Negative thinking isn't as simple as just thinking poorly of yourself. Instead, it includes the following four thought patterns that mental health counseling can help you overcome.